Anti-Narcotic Cell is an active body comprising of teachers and student representatives aiming at making Marian a peaceful and progressive campus free of any abuse of alcohol or other narcotic substances. Anti-Narcotic Cell organises seminars awareness drives, periodic inspections and value education hours for all the students. Awareness programme by Excise department of Government of Kerala is organised every year at the beginning of the academic year. Vimukthi Club under the auspices of Excise department is also functioning in the college as part of the Anti-Narcotic Cell.

 Please contact the following number if you come across any cases of substance abuse or related activities.

Creating and maintaining a campus environment that is free of alcohol and substance abuse

We strongly believe that the best way to maintain an appropriate campus environment with respect to drugs and alcohol is through preventive education about the dangers of drug abuse, Strict action as per the law of the land for those who violate, and compassionate attention to the needs of those who may require help with alcohol or other drug-related problems.

1. To provide a safe and healthy work environment and promote the general health and well-being of its students and employees.

2. To take all necessary measures to prevent, curb, and eradicate substance abuse on campus.

3. To recognize abuse of or addiction to alcohol and/or drugs as a serious health problem.

4. In order to have a safe environment free from drugs and alcohol, the College does not tolerate the consumption or possession of drugs or alcohol by its students and employees

5. To deal with cases of abusing or suspected of abusing substances with sensitivity and discretion.




The attached report reveals all the activities of the club.

Mr Ajesh P Joseph9447327734
Ms Jismy Maria Joseph9605000518
Mr Midhun Antony9048030269