Marian Quiz Club aims at providing opportunities for vibrant, inquisitive young minds to interact with one another and enrich themselves, through regular ‘battles of wits. In addition to organizing quiz competitions, the Quiz Club also helps other clubs and associations on the campus as well as neighbouring institutions in conducting quiz programmes on various topics.
To kindle and sustain inquisitiveness and the spirit of inquiry on the campus
To provide opportunities for students to test their wits .
1. Identify and organize students who have a penchant for learning across disciplines.
2. Organize quizzes on various topics
3. Share its expertise with other student bodies on the campus and neighbouring institutions.
Siju P T
Faculty Coordinator
Department of English
Fathima N V
Student Coordinator
Open to all the students who have a penchant for quizzing. Non-members can also participate in the programmes organized by the Quiz Club.