Catholic Student’s Movement (C.S.M)

The Catholic Students Movement (CSM) is a student organization on campus that strives for the spiritual and value-based development of all students. C.S.M came into existence on 25th August 1989. Even though it is primarily for Catholic Students, it extends services and facilities of formation to all students on the campus.

CSM Flag: Official CSM Flag consists of two colors: Yellow and white in the equal proposition. At the center, there is C.S.M Emblem in dark blue color.

Emblem: The emblem is round in shape. There are two hands, one of a boy and the other of a girl holding the Bible with the sun shining over it, in the background of darkness.

The basic aim of the activities of C.S.M is the integral personality development of campus youth. To realize this objective C.S.M hasthree-dimensionall activities – Spiritua ,intellectua,l and Cultural and Social.

Jesus Youth (JY)

Jesus Youth is an International Catholic movement that challenges young people to live a meaningful, creative and fulfilling life. The Jesus Youth life is built around true, enduring friendships. Hands held together, journeys begun and continued together, words of comfort and understanding, prayers lifted up in unity–all these expressions of friendship have been the warp and weft of the movement. Here, simple friendships often deepen into spiritual relationships within cell groups, sharing groups, prayer groups and other meeting points while remaining rooted in anall-encompassingg friendship with Jesus. Deeply human,people-orientedd and culture-sensitive, the movement works through local individuals across different demographics and geographies. Every initiative of the movement emerges from genuine personalinspirations and is passionately driven by the love of the Heavenly Father for every person on the face of the earth.

The activities of CSM and Jesus Youth on the campus are coordinated by the student executive team guided by animators(faculty). CSM in Marian College was officially inaugurated in 1998 by Shri. P. U Thomas. Since its inception, many value-based activities were organized for the students on and outside the campus by CSM/JY team. Marian College was also the recipient of Sr. Hedwige Award ( National Level) from Xavier Board of Higher Education in India for the year 2017-18.

CSM Motto : Change the world by Changing me.

Six Pillars of the JY Movement







Integral Personality development of Youth Campus.

Prince Joseph


Aida Rose Siby

Vice President

Annit Thomas


Ann Maria Biju

Joint Secretary

Stephin Joseph George


Cebin Augustine.

Technical Head

Ponni Joseph

Councilor I

Alan Antony Joseph

Councilor II

Anumol Roy

Councilor III

All Catholic Students are members of CSM. Any student can participate in the programs organized by CSM and Jesus Youth.

  • Various activities are organized on campus.
  • 1. National-level conferences in association with Xavier Board of Higher Education/AIACHE.
  • 2. Coordinate the Christmas Celebration on campus by organizing various competitions like Christmas Carol and Scene, Crib, Christmas Card, and Star making.
  • 3. Leadership camp and sessions for CSM/JY Leaders.
  • 4. Value-based orientation sessions for freshmen.
  • 5. Organize activities to promote the value of life like the Pro-Life exhibition.
  • 6. Support the activities of the parish church.
  • 7. Parish visits and visits to the neighborhood.
  • 8. Coordinate Retreat, Prayer meetings, adoration sessions, etc.
  • Jyothi Jose
  • +91 9902827268