
The right to Education is one of the fundamental rights of every Indian citizen. Marian College Kuttikkanam Autonomous believes that money should not be a roadblock for a student with innovative ideas in his mind and passion in his heart. We are committed to ensuring that no student is left out of their educational opportunity at Marian because of financial constraints. Through a two-fold strategy, the college tries to ensure equity and justice in providing financial and other assistance to the student community. The two-fold strategy involves 

  1. Assistance to avail government and other scholarships from external agencies, industry, alumni and Non-Governmental organizations.
  2. Scholarships, financial assistance and freeships on merit cum means basis instituted by the institution.

This strategy is put into action through a transparent and participatory system of implementation involving Management, Teaching faculty, office staff, and students.

Government Scholarship Schemes
Sl. NoName of ScholarshipEligibility
1Post Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesUG/PG
2Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships for College and University StudentsUG/PG
3Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam RiflesUG/PG
4Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Ministry of RailwaysBCA/MCA/MBA
5National Scholarship for Post-Graduate StudiesPG
6Ishan Uday Special Scholarship Scheme for NERUG
7Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship for Professional and Technical Courses CsMCA/MBA
8Post Matric Scholarship Schemes Minorities CSUG /PG
9Bhinneseshy souhrida scholashipUG
10Hindi ScholarshipUG /PG
11Suvarna Jubilee Merit ScholarshipUG /PG
12CM ScholarshipPG
13State Merit ScholarshipUG /PG
14Higher Education ScholarshipUG
15Prof.Joseph Mundassery ScholarshipUG
16C H Muhammedkoya Scholarship UG/PG
17Snehapoorvam ScholarshipUG/PG
18Kerala State Transport Labour Welfare Fund ScholarshipUG/PG
19CA/ICWA CMA /CS ScholarshipUG/PG
20Inspire ScholarshipPhysics
21Samunnathi ScholarshipUG/PG
22Coffee Board ScholarshipUG
23Kshemanidhi ScholarshipUG/PG
24Labour Welfare ScholarshipUG/PG
25Vidhya Samunathi ScholarshipUG/PG
26Laptop Scheme for SC/ST Students(E-Grantz)UG/PG
27Post Graduate ScholarshipPG
28Rubber Board ScholarshipUG/PG
29Anganvadi ScholarshipUG/PG
30Navadarshan ScholarshipUG/PG

Non-Government Scholarship Schemes
Sl. NoName of ScholarshipEligibility
1ONGC ScholarshipMBA
2Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation ScholarshipsMBA
3Reliance Foundation ScholarshipUG/PG
4South Indian Bank ScholarshipUG
5EY ScholarshipUG/PG
6LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship SchemeUG
7HDFC Bank Parivartan’s Educational Crisis Scholarship Support (ECSS)UG/PG
8APK Platinum ScholarshipUG/PG
9Infosys ScholarshipUG/PG
10Manorama Employe ScholarshipUG/PG
11Church ScholarshipUG/PG
12Stewards Association scholarshipUG/PG
13Norka Roots ScholarshipUG/PG
14SBI ScholarhipUG/pG
Marian College provides the following scholarships:

We Care and Share

This initiative of Marian was introduced during the academic year 2014-15. The funds required for this initiative is generated through contributions from alumni, parents and benefactors. Under this scheme every year deserving students in need of financial support are identified through an interview process conducted by the scholarship committee after they are recommended by the HoD/ Faculty Advisor/ Mentor preceding their application. Beneficiaries of this scheme shall pay back the amount once they are employed after the completion of the course. The returned amount will directly go back to the scholarship account. An affidavit signed by both student and parent, stating the payback policy, will kept in college for reference. The application will be closed within 30 days from the commencement of the semester.

Endowment Scholarships

These scholarships aim to provide financial assistance to deserving students who demonstrate merit through conference paper presentations, publications, cultural achievements, special accomplishments, as well as those belonging to minority groups, Dalit Christians, children of parents working in estates and marginal farmers. Every academic year applications are collected in a prescribed format from the students for different endowment schemes which is recommended by a Head of the Department / Faculty Advisor/ Mentor. The scholarship committee chooses recipients based on the recommendation following an interview process.

  • Mar Mathew Vattakuzhy Endowment Scholarship: Available to financially deserving students from Kanjirappally Diocese.
  • Mar Mathew Arackal Endowment Scholarship: Available to economically backward students who are not benefiting from any other scholarship, including government scholarships.
  • Fr George Ampazhathunkal Endowment Scholarship: Available to five outstanding students who are also financially deserving.
  • Principal’s Endowment Scholarship : This is a merit cum means scholarship for outstanding girl students.
  • MARS (Marian Association of Retired Staff) Scholarship : This scholarship provides financial assistance for one student, covering the semester fees for entire study duration, if their parent (either father or mother) is sick and the student is enrolled in an aided program.
  • Scholarships for Economically Backward students: These should be provided to financially deserving students, especially minority students, Dalit Christians, parents working in estates and marginal farmers. The annual income limit of the applicant should be below 1 Lakh.
  • Revathy Memorial Endowment: Available to financially deserving second year MCA student.

Marian Merit Scholarships

Marian Merit Scholarships

In the academic year 2019-2020, Marian introduced merit scholarships sponsored by the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) to support and motivate students in their studies. This scholarship is awarded to students who achieve an average score of 70% or higher across both semesters of the academic year. Students must submit the completed application along with the necessary documents to their Faculty Advisors. The Faculty Advisors will verify and forward the application form along with the supporting documents to the Scholarship Committee.

Department Scholarship Schemes

Various departments in the college have initiated scholarships to support their students. The funds required for this initiative are generated through contributions from teachers, alumni, parents, and benefactors. Every academic year, applications are collected by the departments in a prescribed format from the students and submitted, along with the necessary supporting documents, to the scholarship office. The scholarship amount is distributed based on the recommendations from the Director or Head of the Department and the availability of funds.

  1. Luminary Physics Research Scholarship
    • Initiated by the Physics department to motivate students who are actively participating in academic research. Students can use this for purchasing chemicals/characterization of samples/ for attending International or national conferences/ Paper presentations.
  2. Matrix Care Scholarship
    • Initiated by the PG Department of computer Applications department to support the financially deserving students in that department.
  3. Samaritans Scholarship
    • Initiated by the School of Social Work  to support the financially deserving students in that department.
  4. SCAPS Caridade Scholarship
    • Initiated by the School of Commerce and Professional Studies to meritorious students in that department.
  5. Mary Parker Follet Scholarship
    • Initiated by the UG Department of Business Administrartion. Under this scheme, financial assistance will be granted to students who are willing to participate in conferences, seminars, workshops and fests outside the campus.
  6. Econspire Merit cum means  scholarship
    • Initiated by the Department of Economics to support SC/ST students who get the highest score in Semester Examinations (on the basis of SGPA).
  7. Excellence in English Studies Scholarship (EESS)
    • Initiated by the Department of Languages to support the financially deserving students in that department.
  8. Math Alumni Care (MAC)
    • Initiated by the Department of Mathematics. Under this scheme, financial assistance will be granted to students from low-income families or those facing financial hardships and must maintain a minimum of 50% marks in preceding semesters without any arrears.
  9. Marian Media Scholarship
    • Initiated by the Department of  Communication and Media Studies to support the financially backward students who participated in various academic activities outside the campus.
  10. BCA Aspire Scholarship
    • Initiated by the UG Department of Computer Application to provide financial assistance to students in need, empowering them to excel and actively participate in curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.

Sports Scholarship

This initiative of Marian was introduced during the academic year 2021-2022 to promote the culture of Sports along with Academics. We support the meritorious students in Sports who bring laurels to the College by winning medals in various national and international level competitions. Students who participate and win prizes in International Events and National Events shall apply for sports scholarships by submitting the application along with a copy of the certificate or proof of prize to the Head of the Department of Health and Wellness.  The Department will verify the details of selected students which will be forwarded to the Scholarship Committee for onward transmission to the Principal for approval.

  • Sports scholarships instituted by Marian are:
    • Mar Jose Pulickal Endowment Sports Scholarship :
      • For Students who win medals in national or international level events by winning prizes such as Gold, Silver, or Bronze or (I Prize, II Prize, or III Prize).
    • Sports scholarship for student trainers:
      • Scholarship awarded to trainers of students with outstanding performance in sports.

The Committee also decided to distribute the scholarships once in an academic year by considering the highest achievements in the following pattern:

  • Students winning prizes in International  Sports Events will be awarded with Rs.10,000 for Gold Prize, Rs. 8,000 for silver and Rs. 6,000 for Bronze.
  • Students winning prizes in National Events will be awarded with Rs.5,000 for Gold Prize, Rs. 4,000 for Silver and Rs. 3,000 for Bronze.
  • Sports scholarship for student trainers will be awarded with Rs.5,000 if the students win prizes in International or National sports events.


Freeship is a financial aid provided to students that helps in the exclusion from paying the tuition fees. Application should be submitted in a prescribed format duly signed by the Faculty Advisor  / Mentor and recommended by the Head of the Department to the scholarship office.  Scholarship Committee will conduct an interview to select the eligible applicants. The eligible lists of students are approved by the Head of the Institution/ Administrator.