Marian College Kuttikkanam Autonomous, affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala was founded in 1995 and is managed by the Catholic Diocese of Kanjirapally through the Peermade Development Society (PDS). The institution is the realization of the vision of the Management to provide quality higher education opportunities in the backward hill district of Idukki which has tribal, migrant and minority populations. 

The College is nestled in the green highlands of the Western Ghats, where biodiversity is garbed in the mantle of a cool, misty, and salubrious ambience ideal for academic pursuits. With her focus on job-oriented study programs with an outcome-based, technology-integrated learning approach, Marian is committed to improving the educational standing of the district and preparing students to meet the challenges of the competitive job market and life situations. Banking on the divine direction of Christ Jesus and the benefaction of Mother Mary, the College champions her commitment to the ‘full-flowering of life in abundance’. 

The educational vision of the Management has given a sense of direction to the development of the College over the years. Marian performed consistently in the NAAC accreditations securing high scores. The College was first accredited in 2003 with B++ (83%) and again reaccredited with an ‘A’ grade (CGPA of 3.45) in 2009. During the third cycle of accreditation, held in 2014, Marian scored a high ‘A’ grade (CGPA 3.52/4). The College was conferred with the prestigious CPE status by UGC in 2009 and it was extended in 2014 making Marian eligible for phase II financial assistance. In 2016, the institution was elevated to the status of an Autonomous College by the UGC and was ranked 84th in NIRF 2018. Marian has mentored three colleges to get successful accreditation under the PARAMARSH scheme, including a college from North East India. In 2023, the college received a reputed CGPA score of 3.71 with A++ grade in its fourth cycle of NAAC re-accreditation.

Marian has a glorious tradition of academic excellence proven through University ranks and high placements. The College has academic tie-ups with several renowned international Universities like Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lincoln University College Malaysia, etc. Marian imparts information with the intention of the right character formation for the students, eventually achieving their holistic transformation. As a premier center of knowledge generation and empowerment, Marian has always been at the forefront to take up new academic and co-academic initiatives. 

Marian strives to realize its vision of becoming a ‘transformational leader in higher education, facilitating and celebrating the full flowering of life in abundance’.Marian’s growth is guided by the spirit of being a ‘learning organization’ which incorporates a praxis of Prayer, Reflection and Action in various processes of the College

Marian is a happening campus, bustling with a variety of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. The College has an active student union. The involvement of students in the IQAC team, library committee, department review meetings, 17 clubs, 7 department associations, best class evaluation committee, etc. makes the campus vibrant. Marian Alumni Association is active and has opened two chapters abroad and the relationship is maintained through Alumni Blog, college website, and social media groups. 

From its inception, Marian ensured high standards of quality in all pursuits. The wholehearted support from an array of passionate and learned instructors helped Marian to reach exalted academic heights. The students are cared for at a personal level and this has paved way for a warm relationship between students and their teachers. The uniquely blended programs, offered with an absolute sense of dedication to social justice, prepare the students for the challenges that await them in their future. Marian is a happening campus creating transformative opportunities for students to develop artistic and literary talents, life skills, personal health, and well-being, thus ensuring a collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas. The hostels are managed by priests and nuns helping the inculcation of a humane value system. The institution is free of party politics and has a history of being a zero-strike campus from its inception.

We have management, which from the very inception of the college was quality driven, open to new ideas, and willing to invest in improving all aspects of student learning. The vision, mission, and strategic plan of the College reflect this orientation. The concern of the Management for financially challenged students has resulted in awarding of a number of Scholarships and Grants for eligible and needy students. The Diocese efficiently concentrates on the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical formation of the students thereby creating a generation capable of taking up the challenges of the new era.

Marian is constantly and passionately striving to achieve its vision of becoming a transformational leader in education facilitating and celebrating the Full Flowering of Life in Abundance. Situated in the rural area of the high ranges of Kerala, though aiming and delivering global standards, Marian caters to the diverse needs of the communities in this backward district of Idukki in general, and Marianites in particular. The journey, many a time, is through unfamiliar terrains, challenging, but highly rewarding, especially when we are ready to take the leap. Together, with God’s grace and mercy, we are sure to live up to any challenge that comes our way.

Visionary leadership and supportive Management

Management plays a crucial role in sculpting the culture of excellence, innovation, and collaboration at Marian, ensuring its smooth sailing. The management handles the execution and supervision of various aspects, including strategic planning, student success, faculty and staff welfare, community engagement, and innovative technological and sustainable development measures, that aid the institution to reach glorious heights.

Participative decision making

Decentralization is a USP of Marian College. Participative decision-making enabled by decentralization allows for greater flexibility in decision making facilitates the window for inclusivity and innovation throughout the process. With decentralized decision-making, the management at
Marian enables better coordination and collaboration between various departments, faculties, staff, and stakeholders.

Technology Integration

Integration of technology in the teaching-learning process is undoubtedly one of the necessary upgrades that an educational institution should possess in this fast-moving world. Marian College is not only equipped for the future with the integration of ICT tools but is also a leader in assisting
other institutions to equip themselves with the integration of technology in their teaching-learning activities.

OBE-based curriculum transaction

Outcome Based Education is a student-centric approach to teaching and learning that equips the students through its emphasis on the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and competencies that are relevant to real-world situations. Marian College pioneered Outcome Based Education in the
state of Kerala. The programs offered are outcome-oriented and ICT- enabled with engaging learning experiences through innovative teaching learning and assessment activities.

Regular updating of the Curriculum

Regular updation of the curriculum is essential to ensure that the students receive education and experience that is relevant not only for the present but also for future demands. The departments at Marian ensure the timely updation of the curriculum, with significance given to various aspects such as the local, national, and regional needs, employability, entrepreneurship, and skill development.

Committed and quality faculty

The high-quality education offered by various departments at Marian College is the result of the efforts of our finest faculties. Marian ensures the maintenance of its academic excellence and fostering of institutional culture through its faculties who are qualified and skilled. Among the total
teaching faculties, the institution has 40 Ph.D. holders.

State-of-the-art infrastructure and Amenities

With advanced, and cutting-edge facilities, equipment, and resources that are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and performance, Marian College, ensures a teaching-learning experience that is rich with practical experience and enabled by research and innovation. Marian
offers a comfortable and stimulating environment through its new-age technologically advanced facilities such as smart classrooms, sophisticated labs, health and wellness facilities, and ICT integration in teaching-learning activities.

Eco-conscious Green Campus

An eco-conscious green campus is an important step towards a more sustainable future. One of the best practices of Marian College is the significance the institution has given to upholding sustainability. From the facilities for alternate sources of energy, energy conservation, and waste
management, maintenance of a low carbon footprint, to landscaping with trees and plants, Marian College makes conscious efforts to maintain an eco-conscious green campus.

Industry collaborations and campus placements

One of the prime highlights of Marian college is the industry collaborations and campus placements. With officers designated to bring the best career opportunities for the students, the institution also
organizes mentoring for students in career and placement by prominent alumni. The implementation of the Outcome Based Education system has tremendously accelerated the possibilities for students to get placed in well-known organizations soon after the completion of the course.

Alumni Relations and Support

From their enhanced involvement in academics and placements through the feedback on curriculum, and mentoring and placement for students for effective career growth, Marian College has a vibrant and active alumni network. A registered Marian Alumni Association (MAA) with a
total of 5600 members, actively functions in various chapters, across the globe. Chapter-wise regular meetings, annual mega alumni meetings, and an annual cultural event called ‘Marian Diaries’ are organized by the association.

Scholarships and freeships

At Marian College, scholarships are given to socially and financially backward and meritorious students. Both Government scholarships, as well as institutional and NGO Scholarships, are available to students. The Marian Alumni Association (MAA) also contributes to financial assistance and scholarships.

Excellent employer-employee relationship

A crucial element that determines and navigates the success and reputation of Marian’s campus culture is the excellent employer-employee relationship. The positive workplace culture at Marian retains talented and experienced employees through supporting the employees with numerous staff welfare measures such as financial support for attending training and conferences, staff tours, loan facilities, salary advances, and maternity and paternity leave to name a few.

Student Diversity

The institution caters to the requirements and needs of the student diversity enabling them to evolve and update to suit themselves to face real-world challenges. The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special programs for advanced learners and slow
learners to aid them to perform better in their academic and extracurricular activities.

Vibrant campus life

Marian College is an institution known for its vibrant campus life enhancing both the student and faculty experience and engagement. The campus life at Marian promotes diversity and inclusion by offering opportunities for students and faculty members from different backgrounds to connect and share their experiences and thus foster a sense of community, respect, and understanding across the institution.