Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Criterion I Summary

The IQAC ensures that curriculum review and revisions happen once in three years for every program. Systematic need analysis is conducted before curriculum revision through feedback and consultation with local academic experts, recruiting firms, industry heads and local leaders to ensure that the curricula meets the local, national, regional and global needs. As a policy of curriculum review and revision, it is ensured that, the revision in curriculum enhances the employability of the students and also has components of ethical/environmental/gender/human values in it.

Major highlights of the criterion are:

• The College has introduced Outcome Based Education in 2018. During the process, the curricula was restructured to ensure that the Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) and the Course Outcomes (CO) were aligned.
• Special efforts were made to devise measurable COs, and PSOs which meet the discipline specific knowledge and skills.
• During the assessment period, 855 new courses were introduced and the syllabus of all the existing programmes were revised to ensure CBCS/Electives.
• All the new courses ensured employability/skill development/entrepreneurship components.• The number of value addition courses increased from 22 during the previous accreditation period to 131 during the current assessment period. 72.75 per cent of students are pursuing these courses.
• In the curriculum of 2020-21 admission, 275 courses have professional ethics components, 143 courses deal with gender issues, 143 courses associate with human values and 288 courses deal with sustainability/environmental issues.
• The percentage of students undertaking academic projects and field visits have increased from 35% during the previous assessment period to 70% during the current year.
• Departments analyse the feedback on curriculum from stakeholders like students, alumni, teachers and employers. The suggestions are discussed in the Board of Studies (BoS) meeting to incorporate necessary changes in the curriculum. Departments also prepare an Action Taken Report (ATR) on curriculum feedback.
The IQAC feedback committee coordinates the feedback collection, analysis and incorporation of suggestions in the respective BoS and Academic Council meetings. Every year the feedback committee collects and verifies the ATR on curriculum.