Marian is committed to facilitate the holistic development and academic progression of the students. It ensures the proper functioning of different systems for student support and progression, including the vibrant alumni network.
Highlights of the criterion are:
• Scholarships are given to socially and financially backward and meritorious students. Government scholarships were facilitated for 30.95% of students and institutional and NGO Scholarships were made available to 25.08% of students. Coordinated by a centralized system of scholarship administration, a total of Rs 14916185.00 was distributed by the College and non-governmental agencies as scholarships.
• A total of 223 capacity enhancement programs were conducted under four schemes to develop students’ skills and competencies.
• Finishing School for career orientation and training programs for competitive examinations attended by 1411 students, more than 60% of total strength. More than 37 percent of outgoing students (1116) who attended such trainings got job placements. 182 students progressed to higher studies which is 30.23% of outgoing batch.
• A total of 150 students, 93.36% of the students who attended competitive examinations, cleared them.
• A transparent grievance redressal system (online and offline) is in place which functions effectively.
• Importance given to sports and cultural activities resulted in securing 106 International, National and State level prizes.
• The vibrant campus creatively engages the students with sports and cultural events. A total of 223 events and competitions were conducted, by various clubs, associations, NCC and NSS, under the guidance of Students’ Union.
• Marian College Students Council (Students Union) elected through representative democratic process, spearheads all the student activities and programs in the campus and conducts programs which promote national integrity, diversity and patriotism.
• A registered Marian Alumni Association (MAA) with a total of 5600 members, actively functions in various chapters, across the globe. Chapter wise regular meetings, annual mega alumni meet, and annual cultural event called ‘Marian Diaries’ are organized by the association.
• The Alumni, through its various wings (Career and Professional Development, Social and Community Service, Alumni Welfare, Business Forum), contributes to the overall development of the College. Financial contribution of Alumni amounts to Rs.20,88,272.00.